New Year Resolution for 2017

What is your New Year Resolution for 2017?  Is it to get through the divorce process by the end of the year?  Is it to loose those unwanted pounds that you have put on during the past couple of months? Or maybe your New Year Resolution is to be a happier person?

Divorce Process:

If your New Year Resolution for 2017 is to get through the divorce process you need to remember it is a process, with many people involved.  There is you and your soon to be ex, yourself, your attorney, the attorney representing your soon to be ex, a mediator, the judge and his staff.  You may also have children, therapist and financial individuals involved also.  All of these individuals have schedules and sometimes this creates a problem in scheduling.

One way to make sure that the process goes smoothly on your part is to be proactive in document production and any other request your attorney may have.  You don’t want to be the person responsible for any delays.  Stay on top of updating the documents requested by opposing counsel.

Don’t wait till the last minute to try and figure out what your financial responsibilities are, make time now to figure this out.  Most mediation fail because one party was not prepared.

Also, be realistic in your expectations.  You probably won’t be awarded 100% of everything.  You probably won’t even get 75% of everything.  If you have children neither party will end up with the children 100% of the time unless there is concrete evidence that one parent was extremely abusive.

The best advice for getting through the divorce process in 2017 is to be proactive, prepared and realistic.

Loose those unwanted pounds:

If your New Year Resolution was to loose those unwanted pounds there are many things Warren Goldswain1that you can do to succeed; you can diet or exercise or do both.  What you don’t want to do is to set yourself up for failure.  Start out by setting a realistic goal.  If you convenience yourself that you can loose those ten extra pounds in 2 weeks you are setting yourself up for failure.  You may loose those ten pounds and then turn around and put them right back on.

The first thing you will want to do is decide what is the best way to start loosing those unwanted pounds.  I personally enjoy simply walking.  Walking is probably the cheapest form of exercise because all you need is a pair of good walking shoes.  Walking is also something that you can do at anytime of the day and you can do it anywhere.  I like to start my day out with a walk on then wind down my day with a walk.  I personally enjoy walking outside.  When walking outside you are able to fill your lungs with clean air, you are able to enjoy the site around you, which can change daily and you absorb Vitamin D naturally.

Now before you start making excuses as to why you can’t walk on a regular bases let us take a look at those excuses:

  • “It’s too cold” – No one is saying go for an hour long walk, all you need to do is bundle up and walk around the block, at least you are getting out of the house and moving.  You are getting your blood flowing.  When you get back to your home your checks will be rosy and you will feel exhilarated.
  • “It’s raining” – Well as a doctor pointed out to me – walking in the rain is no different than taking a shower, except that you are clothed.  If you don’t want to get your clothes wet then purchase an in-expensive plastic poncho.  Again, no on is saying you should go for an hour long walk.  Also, it usually doesn’t rain all day and if you feel it is a must you can always to to the closest Mall and walk the Mall.
  • “It’s to hot” – I will admit that in some parts of the United States it get real hot and during the summer it may feel that it never cools off.  Well, again no one is saying to walk for an hour or more but depending on your physical condition even a fifteen minute walk may be difficult.  You may want to look at some of the products on the market that you wear around your cooling points on your body to help you stay cooler. One product line are the Kooler Kollars™ for People.
  • “I’m too busy” – It is so easy to make this excuse, especially if you are going through a divorce.  Between your job, your kids, and everything your legal team wants you to work on you may feel overwhelmed.  Well if you dedicate 15 to 30 minutes a day to walking you will find that your mental attitude will change, which will improve your attitude towards your job and will give you more energy to work on the items your legal teams wants you to work on, and as for the kids – well get them out there with you.

Well now that we have addressed all the reasons why you can’t start with the simplest form of exercise, walking – I hope to see you walking tomorrow and every day there after.  Remember start with a small goal and work your way up.

Be a happier person:

By accomplishing getting your divorce and losing those pounds you may be a happier person at the end of the year, but you should work on being a happier person throughout the year.  Take some time for yourself and figure out what truly makes you happy.  This is a new year and a new you…  be kind to yourself and others.

The most important part of a New Year Resolution is that it be realistic….

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